Dec 18th 2017 - Sex and Fitness - Daily Eating - Doshas


Let's Talk About Sex!

Lia Jiannine discusses the Relationship Between Sexual Behavior and Health Related Physical Fitness!

  1. How does exercise aid in sexual functioning?
  2. How does self-concept relate to sexual experience and sexual functioning?
  3. What is sex-positive curricula? Why are you an advocate?
  4. How does this research differ from  research on sex and exercise in the past?
  5. Have you found that personality traits are more consistent with one type of physical activity?
  6. What is the most interesting thing that you found in your sex and exercise research?

Daily Eating

Dr. Robert Wildman talks about The Simplest Way to Structure Daily Eating to Achieve Better Fitness and Performance!


doshasAutumn Warren, creator of Ether Elixir gives us the run down on Doshas!In Ayurveda, the five elements that are found in all living things—ether, air, fire, water, and earth—are the building blocks of life. While this foundation unites all humans, the manifestation of those elements through the doshas is what gives rise to our differences. How the three doshas appear, and in what proportion, is what makes each of us unique.The 3 Doshas

  • The fiery and intense Pitta type may enjoy the occasional power trip. She will devour a mountain of food with ravenous hunger and yet be ready to eat again when it comes to the next meal.
  • In contrast, a delicate Vata can never seem to get warm. She will nibble, snack, and graze her way through the day, and she may feel the need to rest often. She’s also inclined to talk about a number of diverse subjects, probably repeating herself more than once.
  • The contented Kapha type may, with great deliberation, consume three pieces of cake. She will spend quality time curled up on a couch making phone calls to loved ones with uplifting, motherly advice.

Dec 19th 2017 - Holiday Loneliness - Changing Habits


Maura Davies - Holiday Pet Safety, Dr. Mike Fenster - Atherosclerosis, Shawn Wells - MS and Gut Microbiome December 15th, 2017