Dec 6th 2017 - Mind Over Milkshake - Self Defense - Lunch


Mind Over Milkshake

lunchHave you ever found yourself scanning through nutrition labels at the grocery store? Well, let me be the first to tell you! Aside from all of the sodium, fats, sugars, and artificial sweeteners, research shows how the label itself actually effects the gut.Ryan Lowery gives us the run down on the hormone ghrelin and its relationship with the gut. Ghrelin is a hormone secreted in the gut. People in the medical profession call it the hunger hormone. When ghrelin levels in the stomach rise, that signals the brain that it's time to seek out food.

Self Defense During The Holidays!

Daniel Tague gives us his best tips on how to stay safe during this holiday season:

  1. What do we need to watch out for this time of year for self defense?- Going out to the car with our hands full- Being aware of the other people in the parking garage- If you have pepper spray or some other self defense tool you need to be able to get to it quickly
  2. Are there more robberies during the holiday season- Yes- Need to be more on guard
  3. What can people do to make their homes safer during this season?- Security cameras- Trip wires- Bars for sliding glass doors- Make sure everything is locked
  4. What should you do if someone does break into your house?- Yell like crazy- Turn on lights- Call 911

Lunch Dates!

In the 60's and 70's movies popularized the "3-martini" lunch.  Lunch was a time to close the deal.  Today, we skip lunch in favor of power walks or putting our nose to the grindstone to push out one more item on the to-do list. We've seemingly lost the art of connecting over a meal.Rosalie Robinson gives us the best tips to keep the power of connecting at lunch alive!Questions:1. How often do adults go to lunch to just enjoy time connecting with a colleague?


Dec 7th 2017 - Long-term Relationships


Dr. Meg Jay - Supernormal, Dr. Jonny Bowden - Cardiovascular Health, Ron Incerta - Overcoming Adversity Dec 5th, 2017