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Stephanie Toupe - Household Cleaners, Shana Gallagher - All Things Environmental, Shawn Wells - Fasting December 8th, 2017

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Stephanie Toupe, Shana Gallagher, and Shawn Wells

What the heck is in our household cleaners?

Stephanie Toupes gives us the common offenders.

  1. What are some better choices?

  2. What are some of the issues associated with using conventional cleaning products?

All Things Environmental

Industrial-scale agriculture to support America's livestock animals is currently the number one source of water pollution in the country, and has created the largest deadzone in history in The Gulf of Mexico.Shana Gallagher is one of seven organizers around the country working to ask Tyson Foods, America's largest meat company, to lead the way towards a more sustainable food system.Whereas most of the cities in which this campaign is taking off are considered "frontline communities" of fertilizer pollution - places like Omaha, Nebraska, and Des Moines, Iowa, where millions of people are experiencing various types of cancers, birth defects, or other health problems as a result of contaminated water from fertilizer pollution - Texas has so far avoided these alarming impacts.That said, the DFW area specifically is surrounded by native grass and wetlands vulnerable to agricultural expansion, and as the biggest meat-producing state in the country, Texans can't expect to remain safe from fertilizer pollution for long.The goal of Mighty Earth's Dallas campaign is to empower Texans to reduce the dangers of industrial-scale agriculture, and pursue a more sustainable food system, before this environmental and health challenge becomes even worse.

Intermittent Fasting

It is well known within the scientific community the variety of benefits associated with calorie restriction. These include weight loss, decreased mortality rates and may even prevent or aid in the treatment of certain diseases and cancers. However, researchers are now finding that decreasing the frequency of your meals (i.e fasting) may also have some potential health benefits.

Shawn Wells

gives us more information on the subject.

1. What is fasting?2. What are the health benefits of fasting?

3. What does the research say on fasting?4. What are areas for future research on fasting and some practical applications?