DeWone Bennett - Deep Roots of Materialism and Kip Watson - The Future of Cheating #1067
Materialism and Cheating
Today we talk with Kip Watson and DeWone Bennett about two very innate and human-like behaviors: materialism and cheating.
The Deep Roots of Materialism
DeWone Bennett talks about a topic that most humans deal with on a day-to-day basis, and that is materialism. In a culture filled with social media and comparison, it is hard to feel measured up with the status quo when it is constantly changing. Why do we feel the need to have the newest and latest thing on the market? Is it that we are striving for some sort of value through the things that we have? Here is the definition of materialism:ma·te·ri·al·ism
a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.
We tend to make idols out of our belongings, the way we look and are perceived, and even our relationships. DeWone talks with us today in depth about where materialism stems from and why it is a never-ending cycle.
The Future of Cheating
You may be thinking, "The Future of Cheating," why is that even a title? Well, Cosmopolitan Magazine thought it was a good topic and Kip Watson and Bernadette love a little Cosmo talk. We live in a culture where people and relationships are treated just like our material things. Meaning, we throw them away when we are ready for something newer and more exciting. Today we talk about sexting, hiding things from your significant other, pornography, and much more. Cheating comes in so many forms and can be hidden so easily. Furthermore, in the digital age we are in there are so many more ways to meet people than ever before.
Kip Watson is a licensed Professional Counselor & Supervisor and Sports Psychology Professional.