FURRY FRIDAY Diane May - Mercy For Animals, Alyson Nerenberg, Psy.D. - No Perfect Love #1796

It’s FURRY FRIDAY! We are thrilled to have Diane May, vice president of public engagement at Mercy For Animals. We’re talking about their fight against factory farming and how we can all help these animals. Visit mercyforanimals.org to learn more. Next, Alyson Nerenberg, Psy.D. joins us to talk about her book, “No Perfect Love: Shattering the Illusion of Flawless Relationships.” Many of us have these perfect “illusions” of what relationships should look like that are impossible to reach. Dr. Nerenberg explains how we learned these ideas, and how to break the cycle to have attainable, long-lasting relationships. Learn more about Dr. Nerenberg, and order her book at HealingRelationshipspa.com.

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