One Life Radio

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DeWone Bennett - Difficult Conversations with your Kids and Jill Lane - Food For Thoughts #971

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DeWone Bennett and Jill Lane

If you have children, you know that the day they start asking about sex, body parts, etc. is a scary day. Some parent's never have "the talk" with their kids, and some parents start early and teach them an open dialogue about these kinds of things. DeWone Bennett is a licensed professional counselor and he talks about when you should start talking about some of these difficult topics with your children. The birds and the bees is not so simple anymore. So many conversations can be confusing and intimidating, he breaks down some of the basics on these and how to break the ice.

Jill Lane, a pro-athlete nutrition coach, talks to us about how the foods you eat can impact your mind. Everyone is starting to learn that there is a gut-brain connection and that the foods we eat can dramatically change the way we feel mentally. Have you ever noticed how sluggish you feel after a very unhealthy, processed meal like fast food? We need to treat our bodies like a well-oiled machine and understand that we have to feed it well to perform well.