Dr. Al's Cancer Treatment, Optimal Gut Health, Diet & Depression #1088

Optimal Gut Health with Real FoodToday we talk with Dr. Alvin Danenberg about his cancer treatment and remarkable recovery. We also talk with Aglaée Jacob about optimal gut health with real food, and Faye Elahi about the link between diet and depression.

Dr. Al's Cancer Treatment & Remarkable Recovery

Dr. Alvin Danenberg has been updating us with his progress on treating his Multiple Myeloma. He was diagnosed last September and was told he had 3-6 months to live. But Dr. Al decided to take his health into his own hands and create an alternative treatment plan. Dr. Al's oncologist was very skeptical and not on board...at first. Then, he started to see some results that were not what he expected.Today Dr. Al joins us to talk about his recovery since a bad setback. He was bedridden for quite some time, had multiple fractures, and was in terrible pain. His hope and motivation with his own treatment plan was fading. He talks with us today about the state of depression he was in and how he miraculously came out of it. Today, he is back on his treatment plan and regaining his strength and desire to live. You can read his blog here.

Optimal Gut Health with Real Food

Aglaée Jacob is a non-diet dietitian, a heart and soul nutritionist, a self-love guide, and the author of the book and cookbook, Digestive Health with REAL Food. Aglaée has her own story in that she struggled with physical issues, mental health challenges and almost 2 decades of binge eating disorder. This is how Radicata Nutrition came to be.Her passion is to educate others on how to get back in touch with your body as well as your soul. The foods we eat definitely do interact with our physical health and our mental/emotional health. That is why gut health is at the forefront. Probiotics and supplements are great, but they also go off of the foods that are present and the current state of your gut. If you are consuming a lot of processed foods, high amounts of sugar, alcohol and caffeine (in excess,) and all the things we know are not great, then those supplements and probiotics will only benefit you so much.We talk about how REAL food can impact the health of your gut and in turn, impact your overall well-being. Aglaée's book can be found here.

Link Between Diet and Depression

Faye Elahi is a psychologist and nutritionist, she specializes in food allergies, food intolerances, Celiac, Gluten Sensitivity, ADD, ADHD, & Autism Spectrum Disorders. She is a also a Public Speaker, blogger, researcher and is the author of Ready, Set, Eat. Today we backpack off of our conversation with Aglaée and talk about the link between diet and depression. Faye is such an expert in this topic because she is both a psychologist and nutritionist and has seen the connection first hand. She answers all the questions today, and will be back soon for more!


Gina Rippon - The Gendered Brain and DeWone Bennett - Raising Emotional Intelligence #1089


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