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Vaping & Should You Detox? #980


Dr. Brendon Stiles is a Cardiothoracic surgeon and has spent his career focusing his research on lung cancer. With that, he has seen the dangerous effects of the newest trend, vaping. Vaping can consist of vaping just tobacco, or it can be nicotine and even marijuana. This habit is something that kids are picking up at an early age which is enhancing the addictiveness of such a habit. The idea of vaping is increasing in popularity as many people think that it is a safer option to smoking cigarettes, even though they can both become addictive if you use them for a long amount of time. Despite the risks vaping is known to have, sites like tend to be used by people who prefer using vapes, regardless of the end results. The science on the effects of vaping is still being done, but Dr. Stiles tells us it's not pretty. Listen in to hear all about this.

Jill Lane, our nutrition girl, talks about detoxing. She explains the difference between detoxing and cleansing, the science of what a detox is and what organs perform this function, and more. In fact, she reveals that we detox every day, naturally. But there are ways to enhance your body's detox abilities and things you should be adding into your daily regimen. We will continue this topic next week as well!