Dr. Riz Bukhari - Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease #966

Plant-based for heart health

Dr. Rizwan Bukhari has been practicing vascular surgery in Dallas for more than 20 years and uses a unique approach to treating his patients. He uses nutrition, specifically plant-based nutrition. His mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health through better nutrition and better lifestyle choices. He is on the show today to talk about how the food in America today is why we are all so unhealthy. He talks about the future of our children and grandchildren if we don't make substantial changes. He also goes into how you should be eating to be the healthiest you can be. It is not a one-size-fits-all so you may need to try different things and figure out what works best for you! Find Dr. Riz here.


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Effects of Meat on the Environment, Bach Flower Essences #965