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Dr. Al Danenberg - Living in a Polluted Sea, Autumn Warren Connolly - Breastfeeding #1496

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Dr. Al Danenberg & Autumn Warren Connolly - #1496

Boobs! Did we get your attention? We have an entertaining show for you all today with Autumn Warren Connolly and Dr. Al Danenberg! Bernadette asks Junior about his favorite cereal. Let’s get started! 

Autumn Warren Connolly

Resident Earth Mama

Autumn Connolly lives in the sky islands of Arizona with her three kiddos and animal babies. She is the creator of Anvil Traditional Healing, a company dedicated to restoring microbiome health through diet. Follow Autumn on Instagram @AnvilTraditionalHealing. Autumn is a self-taught vegan chef, a serial gardener and an avid believer and teacher of the powers of meditation.

Breastfeeding and Spiritual Health

Autumn is doing great! She just had a beautiful baby girl and is being an earth mama once again. Today, Autumn and Bernadette want to talk about de-stigmatizing breastfeeding. Autumn says that she is not going to hide to breastfeed her child and give them the nutrients they need. Junior weighs in on that men AND women need to grow up when it comes to breastfeeding. A breast shouldn’t be sexualized, but more cherished that a breast can sustain and make a child grow and fulfill the nutrients they need. “Over the years, researchers have proposed a number of explanations for human breasts. Some claimed evolution favored ‘pendulous’ breasts — as scientists dryly describe them — because they gave babies something to cling to like handle bars.” That doesn’t make us women feel sexy! As a woman, we love to feel sexy, but we also want to feed our children without ridicule.

Spiritual health is just as important as any other health direction. Spiritual wellness acknowledges our search for deeper meaning in life and is reflected when our actions become more consistent with our beliefs and values. Emotional wellness is a measure of our happiness and satisfaction with ourselves and our lives.Existence and feeling meaningful is just as important as your physical and mental health. Autumn, when she socializes more with others, she sometimes finds herself using it as a distraction from self love and being okay with yourself. It is a balancing act to find spiritual health through others and throughout ourselves. A sign of spiritual wellness is being able to take time and reflect. Autumn likes to not only reflect, but likes to recreate. She recreates the memories from the day that gave her bad or poor feeling, and she asks herself why. You can sit and meddle in your mind, but realistically you need to be able to sit and be okay with yourself. Nature doesn’t make mistakes, and we are just part of that as well. 

Dr. Al Danenberg

Medical Practitioner

Dr. Al is a periodontist, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, ADAPT Trained Health Professional and Certified Primal Health Coach. After a terminal multiple myeloma diagnosis, Dr. Al wasn’t supposed to make it to see 2019, let alone be thriving right now. With nothing to lose, and everything to gain, he developed a plan that evolved into his Unconventional Cancer Protocols, combing in-depth research of ancestral nutrition & lifestyle changes with his knowledge from 44 years of as a periodontist. On April 14, 2020, Dr. Al was appointed the Chair of the Periodontal Committee for the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM). In August 2020, he published two mini-eBooks on Amazon: “Better Belly Blueprint” and “Is Your Gut Killing You?”

We Swim in a Polluted Sea 

We are living an in an environment where are food is not nutritious and is filled with chemicals. Our society is sick. It’s not our genes. It’s something else. Not many people look at the real cause of disease, even if it is their own disease. In Dr. Danenberg’s blog, he posts as photo of a healthy lower jawbone from 300,000 years ago. It is reportedly the oldest jaw remains of our Homo Sapiens species. Now, we have jaw and dental issues all the time. Dr. Dan believe that this has something to do with an unhealthy gut that leads to an unhealthy mouth and gums. In the future, Dr. Danenberg would like to see a direct correlation between gut and overall health with mouth, teeth, and gum health. It should not be a separate entity, it should be a cohesive entity. 

Brushing and flossing are not enough. Think about how many people go to the dentist and are told they have bleeding gums, and then are told to brush and floss more. There is most likely something else going on that is way deeper than simply not brushing or flossing enough. The inflammation in our gums are what cause easy gum bleeding. Tooth decay and gum disease is directly related to the gut microbiome. Overprocessed foods and sugars obviously harm the gut microbiome, but there are much less recognizable factors that can make us extremely sick. Over the counter drugs also affect our gut microbiome, as well as at home teeth whitening! Try baking soda on the teeth for a natural alternative. But now, we must learn from our past errors and correct the problems. “We must purify the sea in which we live. Those who can connect the dots will discover the real causes of illness today. Those who are proactive will be able to make appropriate changes. Getting healthy should not be an entrepreneur’s dream; it should be a health-preserving strategy.”

A Big Thank You!

Thank you to todays guests, Autumn Warren Connolly and Dr. Al Danenberg!

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