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Mo Brossette, Paolina Milana, "The C Word" - #1510

Therapeutic Tuesday

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Today we have a great show! Mo Brossette is here to talk about his new “Young Alpha Leadership Academy. Paolina Milana is back to talk about When a Family Member Suffers from Mental Illness and her new book, “The C Word.”

Mo Brossette

Mo Brossette has been in the health and fitness industry for over 24 years, and he is currently the Director of Mindset and Nutrition at The Adaptive Training Foundation, a Dallas based non-profit that leads disabled military veterans and civilians through a 9-week mental and physical training program called “Redefine”. Through this unique program, Mo helps these adaptive athletes overcome physical, emotional and mental pain, fear, and self-doubt. Mo is a Keynote Speaker on fear and an expert in human behavior, mindset and language. He is the Founder of Hunt and Prosper where he leads an 8-week “Master Fear” online program as well as the Men’s Leadership Academy.

Young Alpha Leadership Academy

Being aggressive, masculine, confident, assertive and strong is NOT toxic. What’s toxic is suppressing a young man’s natural tendency to be wild and telling him that he is wrong for having, and displaying, these emotions and behaviors. As John Eldredge so eloquently wrote in his book “Wild at Heart”, “Men want a battle to fight, an adventure to live, a beauty to rescue. That is what is written in their hearts. That is what little boys play at. That is what men’s movies are about. You just see it. It’s undeniable”. The Young Alpha Leadership Academy was created to fuel that undeniable need and help young men grow the roots and establish behaviors of what it means to become a confident, protective, trusting and compassionate man.

The Young Alpha program is 8-weeks in length starting first with a weekend camp that will introduce them to the other young men of their tribe and help them bond through physical, mental and team building challenges. Click here to sign your young one up!

Paolina Milana

Paolina Milana is an author, speaker, podcaster, and founder of Madness To Magic, a coaching program helping others to find their passion and triumph from adversity. Milana’s professional background is rooted in journalism, working as a writer for a major daily newspaper before moving to the field of PR, media and digital marketing in both corporate and non-profit environments. She also serves as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for children in foster care and as an empowerment and resiliency coach. Her first book, “The S Word”, received the National Indie Excellence Award. Her latest book, “Committed: A Memoir of Madness in The Family”, tells her story of caring for a mother and sister suffering from schizophrenia. Paolina is first-generation Sicilian, is married, and lives on the edge of the Angeles National Forest in Southern California.

When a Family Member Suffers from Mental Illness and “The C Word.”

Stop playing small. You’ve got so much more to give. Asking for permission and waiting for someone else to lift you up to where you belong isn’t going to get you far. Learn how to get noticed so you can finally get a seat at the table. Stop doubting yourself. Let go of whatever’s happened in the past. You’ve learned so much. You have a lot to offer. Focus on your strengths and what lights you up inside. Let’s find your voice so you’re confident to speak up and become a decision-maker and leader. Stop spinning plates! Doing MORE isn’t going to get you to where you want to be. It’s only going to exhaust you and make you feel resentful of others who seem to be getting farther ahead faster than you. Let’s figure out who you really are and what you were truly meant to do. Let’s map out your path on the road to where you belong, so that your work finally matches your worth.

As caregiver to her mom and sister, both of whom were diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, Paolina got good at pretending she was fine. From the outside looking in, she says she played the role of someone who had it all together. On the rare occasion when somebody would ask her, “Are you okay?” or “What’s the matter?” her automatic responses would be “I’m fine” and “Nothing.” Few people ever bothered to inquire further. Why would they? Paolina says she gave them no reason to. And her mental health suffered because of it.

Paolina Milana became an expert at keeping secrets and hiding her real feelings deep inside. Raised in a Sicilian household, her unwritten code was “cosa nostra“: What happened in the family stayed in the family. It’s part of the reason why her mother went undiagnosed for years. It’s part of the reason why her little sister suffered in silence, despite being consistently bullied in school. And it’s part of the reason why she found herself suicidal, having concluded there was no other way out of her living a life of obligation. The fear and stigma associated with having any mental health issues shames us into silence. And that’s dangerous. Silence suffocates. Stuffing down our feelings and ignoring them only amplifies our problems. Giving our feelings a voice and demanding that they be heard is essential to good mental health.

Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.

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