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Tina Bernet Allen, Dr. Jonny Bowden, Happiness 101 - #1507

Happy Workout Wednesday!

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Tina Bernet Allen is here to give us “Workout Tweaks to Boost Weight-Loss.” Dr. Jonny Bowden is here to give us a Happiness 101 crash course! Click here to get take the happiness quiz and see where you land! Happy workout Wednesday! 

Tina Bernet

Tina has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years, instructing and developing resistance training programs for individuals and groups. Her love of fitness began as one of the original Highland Park Belles drill team members. She has a Bachelor’s of Kinesiology and is certified in strength and conditioning as well as biomechanics. Tina was awarded the “Top Female Personal Trainer in DFW” by the Personal Trainers Hall of Fame. She is a rock-star in the fitness world and a Dallas icon. 

Workout Tweaks to Boost Weight-Loss

Most importantly, watch your carbs! Carbs are the easiest way to gain weight. Firstly, though, it isn’t always about the number on the scale. It is about body composition. If you want to change your body composition by gaining muscle and losing body fat, cut out carbs. Don’t forget about protein! You need healthy fat all the time for your body to maintain a great body composition. The key is consistency. You need to stay on your fitness regime in order for you body to drop fat cells and gain muscle! Your body remembers everything, so remember and plan your workouts. Do not always focus on the scale; the scale can fluctuate up to 5 pounds just by eating or drinking water. People who have more muscle and less body fat will weight more, technically. Muscle weighs more than fat. Focus on how your body looks naked in the mirror instead of the number on the scale. Keep listening for the workout tweaks!

Dr. Jonny Bowden

Dr. Jonny Bowden is known as The Nutrition Myth Buster and is a nationally known expert on weight loss and health. He is the best-selling author of 15 books, including The Great Cholesterol Myth and The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer. Dr. Jonny earned six certifications in personal training and fitness.He has a Masters degree in psychology, a PhD in holistic nutrition, and is board certified by the American College of Nutrition. His books include Living Low Carb, Smart Fat, The Great Cholesterol Myth and The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.

Happiness 101

Are you happy? Dr. Jonny Bowden wants you to be! Imaging studies suggest that the happiness response originates partly in the limbic cortex. There are four primary chemicals in the brain that effect happiness: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Bernadette says she thinks that we can’t all get through this thing called life being happy all the time. Of course we feel other emotions. We all have to find our own individual design for our happiness. It is much more personal task, and something that only one can find with themselves. We can not compare ourselves to things like instagram, but rather compare ourselves to those who have less than us, who are suffering more than us, and those who have less than us.

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