One Life Radio

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#714 Feb 28th 2018 - The 7 Elements of Technique in Exercise - From Schoolhouse to Jailhouse

7 Elements of Technique

techniqueDaniel Tague discusses the 7 elements of technique in exercise.-  What are the elements of technique?

  • Goal
  • Alignment of forces
  • Positioning of the body
  • Stabilization of moving and nonmoving body parts
  • Optimum motion of the exercise
  • Controlled temp, or speed, of the motion
  • Efficient breathing
  1. Can you explain what each of those mean?
  2. How does this benefit your overall fitness?
  • Helps you get the most out of your time in the gym and decreases your risk!

From Schoolhouse-to-Jailhouse

Rosalie Robinson talks about schoolhouse-to-jailhouse. The prison pipeline also known as the schoolhouse-to-jailhouse track, is the dis-proportionate tendency of minors and young adults from disadvantaged back-grounds to become incarcerated, because of increasingly harsh school and municipal policies. Many experts have credited factors such as school disturbance laws, zero tolerance policies and practices, and an increase in police in schools in creating the pipeline.

  1. What are the current statistics on the “prison pipeline”?
  2. Why shouldn’t communities protect students interested in learning from the disruption of individuals often identified by zero tolerance policies?
  3. How is the schoolhouse-to-jailhouse impacting labor?
  4. What is the impact in our communities?