Miriam Kalamian / Dairy in Keto, Dr. Dan Engle / Concussion Repair, Dan Secules / Toxic Coaches 2/18/18
Dairy in Keto?!
Miriam Kalamian, author of Keto for Cancer talks about confusion over dairy in the ketogenic diet. Why may milk be a problem, even if butter or cream are okay? What does lactose intolerance really mean? Tune in to find out!
The Concussion Repair Manual
Dr. Dan Engle, author of The Concussion Repair Manualtalks about the current concussion protocol and concussion repair.
Why all the recent talk about concussions?
How "big" is the problem, how widespread and how does someone know if they're being negatively impacted by a concussion?
What are the current standards of care?
What should people do to treat any symptoms from concussions?
The Price of Silence: Identifying Toxic Coaches
Scott Secules continues the talk over identifying toxic coaches and how to keep our children safe.
Parents maybe wondering if their child is safe when they drop them off gym, pool, court, field… What is important to teach our children about boundaries?
What could possibly be the problem with a parent watching practice?
What leads to overtraining?
What kind of communication should be present between coaches, parents, and athletes?
Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at one’s own discretion, and is not an endorsement of use given the complexity inherent in these medicines, and the current variable widespread illegality of their usage.