One Life Radio

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Feb 9th 2018 - Things Your Cat Would Love to Tell You - Plant Based Paleo Pt. 2 - Roundup Chronicles - Skin Care

Things Your Cat Would Love to Tell You

spcaMaura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA continues her segment on Things Your Cat Would Love to Tell You!

  1. I'm perfectly capable of bathing myself, thanks
  2. Don't freak out when I bring you dead animal or insect "gifts"
  3. I meow at you to tell you something specific, but when you meow at me, you’re not speaking cat language
  4. We truly wish you'd find yourself another animal to demonize
  5. We're early risers, so deal with it

Fiber: The Most Underrated Nutrient

Studies show that eating plenty of veggies reduces the risk of disease. Everything from diabetes to osteoporosis, disease of the gastrointestinal tract to cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune diseases to cancer. Sarah Ballantyne talks about her article in Paleo Magazine - Plant Based Paleo: Fiber The Most Underrated Nutrient

  1. What is fiber and why is it beneficial?
  2. What are the functions of fiber?
  3. What are the differences between soluble and insoluble fiber? What are some rich sources of soluble fiber? What are some foods high in insoluble fiber?
  4. Sarah, can you explain fibers role in the gut microbiota?
  5. How much fiber do we need?
  6. What are some of the other benefits of fiber?

Spinning Science & Silencing Scientists: A Case Study in How the Chemical Industry Attempts to Influence Science

Dr. Mike Fenster talks about the latest case study regarding chemical influence on science.

Beauty Tips - Inside & Out

Isabell Daniel gives us her best skin care tips!