One Life Radio

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Food Cravings 101 & How to Influence a Healthy Lifestyle on Our Children #993

Food Cravings

Jill Lane is always teaching us new tips and tricks to live a healthier lifestyle. She will tell you in this episode that she doesn't use the word 'healthy' because that can mean so many different things from person to person. When it comes to knocking out food cravings, usually there is a root cause for the craving that you need to pinpoint. You may have low serotonin or dopamine, or you may be depressed or anxious. You also may not be getting enough protein, fat, or carbohydrates and these will all make you crave different things. It can be physiological and psychological, but cravings are more than just having a sweet tooth. You have to dig into your overall health and see where the root lies.

Healthy lifestyles for our children can also mean a number of things and vary from person to person. But overall, we want our children to be able to have good influences so that when they are on their own making their own decisions they have something to fall back on. Parents are the #1 influence on children, more by what they do rather than what they say. You can tell a child all day long whats right and wrong, but at the end of the day if they see you following along certain habits they will think that is the norm. This goes for eating habits, the way we talk to each other and strangers, the way we treat people and ourselves, etc. Children are sponges, and DeWone teaches us where to start when it comes to teaching them healthy lifestyle habits.