Furry Friday - Vets, Sam Morris - Stuffing Our Feelings, and Autumn Connolly - Pet Remedies
Sam Morris on One Life Radio
It's Furry Friday! We've got our friend Maura Davies of the SPCA of North Texas tells us how to know when to take a pet to the vet. We also get home pet remedies and a beautiful chant from Autumn-Warren Connolly. And, Sam Morris, the Unbreakable Man, talks about the effects of stuffing our feelings.
When to Know Your Pet Needs a Vet
Maura Davies is a wealth of knowledge regarding pets, but even Davies questions if her pet needs to see a vet sometimes. She says we must get to know our dog or cat's behaviors to know when something is not quite right with them. If your pet throws up once or twice after eating, they probably have an upset stomach and will recover. If your pet stops eating or won't go to the bathroom for several days, definitely call your vet. If you do end up having to take your pet to the vet, know that they will probably want some alone time afterwards. Let them hide for a while. And, be sure to follow your vet's instructions. Listen to the full interview for a funny story from Maura about being too over-protective with your pet. And, visit spca.org for pet info., services and adoptions.
Home Pet Remedies
Autumn Connolly keeps the Furry Friday party going with great ideas for home pet remedies. For natural flea prevention, her advice is to plan ahead. A few months before flea season make a powder of DE and Borax and spread around your house. This prevents flea eggs from hatching. Listen to the full interview for exactly how to do it. Since it's borax, you want to be careful around your pets and do it correctly. She also recommends making flea powder with B-12, brewer's yeast and garlic powder. You can make your own and mix this into your pet's food a few times per week. You'll want to listen to her remedy for ear infections, too.We also learn about Autumn's product now available on amazon, Anvil Traditional Healing Kefir Starter Kit, which gives you everything you need to create your own probiotic drinks at home. We definitely will try it. Think of all the money we'll save not buying kombucha!
Stuffing Our Feelings
The Unbreakable Man, Sam Morris, joins us with advice on releasing negative stuffed feelings. Morris compares stuffing our feelings to holding a beach ball underwater. We can try really hard to keep it under, but the ball eventually pops up in our face. It's the same with stuffing our feelings. When we are carrying around a lot of negative feelings and emotions from our past, they eventually show themselves in a number of ways; screaming at drivers on the road or store clerks at the grocery store, yelling at loved ones or getting angry with our pets. Morris says we aren't really angry with these people at that time, but we're upset with something we're holding on to from the past.Once we become aware that we're stuffing feelings, we can begin to clear out the old baggage. His best advice for dealing with these negative feelings is to knock out the big ones first. The ones that keep us up at night, and wake us up in the morning. A therapist can be extremely helpful at this point. They see things about us that we may not recognize.Once we let go of these negative feelings, growth happens. We've opened up all of that space that was holding all our negativity. Now there's room for new, positive feelings and experiences.Morris says to always be working on ourselves, clearing out the negative energy. There's a whole new world out there once the negative elements have been released. Learn more about Sam Morris at themanunbreakable.com and get his daily wisdom at #manunbreakable and #slaydragons.Thank you for listening! Everyone have a safe and wonderful weekend!