Gaining Muscle at Home, Pilates 101

It’s Workout Wednesday on One Life Radio! Chris Gronkowski joins us for this St. Patrick’s Day talking about our favorite green drinks to make in our Ice Shakers! And, he teaches us how to gain muscle at home. Lisa Hubbard, owner of Rhythm Pilates walks us through the history and basics of Pilates.

Gain Muscle at Home

Chris says we don’t have to go to the gym to build muscle. We can do it from home without expensive equipment. Everyone has weight substitutes at home. Chris’ favorite weights are his kids on his back! You can also use a gallon of milk or water.

Junior uses his stairs like a stairmaster. Or, workout bands are a super cheap option for resistance. Push-ups are also great exercise at home. Chris says as long as you have a door and resistance bands, you can get a great workout as well. But, be careful that the band doesn’t slip off the door and hit you in the face. Listen to the podcast for more ways to workout at home.

Pilates 101

Lisa Hubbard is one of the top Pilates experts in the country. Pilates was born in Germany by Joseph Pilates. He believed the mind controls the body and he developed Pilates equipment during World War I for his men and also for injured men who were bedridden. After the war, he opened a studio in New York City and Pilates took off from there. Hubbard called it an “internal shower for your body”.

She says anyone can benefit from Pilates. You’re using smaller muscles and smaller movements but it supports the entire structure of your body.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about Pilates. And, visit Lisa's website for information on virtual classes on

Thanks to Chris and Lisa for coming on the show today! And, thank you to our sponsors enviromedica, Castor & Pollux, the ISSN, Vegworld Magazine, Paleo Magazine and the Well Being Journal.


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