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Get Fit After Summer, Energy Hygiene Pt. 2 #1075

Get Fit After SummerToday we have Dr. Debra Greene with us discussing energy hygiene, and Tina Bernet talks about how to get fit after summer break.

Get Fit After Summer Break

Tina Bernet is recognized as one of the top female personal trainers in Dallas/Fort Worth area. She is also a dear friend of the OLR team, and Bernadette's personal trainer. We are so happy to talk with her about this topic today: how to get fit after summer break. Getting ready for summer is usually when most people kick it into high gear because they know that swimsuit season is coming. But what about when summer is over? A fitness routine after summer is huge because, a lot of times we get way too comfortable underneath layers of clothing. Also, school is back in session and the holidays are coming so it's extra important to set in a routine and stick to it.This doesn't mean that straying from your routine is a bad thing, life happens. You have to be flexible for anything to throw your routine off. Tina gives us some tips and advice on what a good routine looks like and how to stick with it.

How's your Energy Hygiene?

Dr. Debra Greene joined us a few weeks ago to cover this topic, and today we go a little deeper. Energy is everywhere and in everything. There is essentially no way to not be affected by the energy around you. Getting rid of some of the energy "clutter" around you can be so beneficial to your energy health. We don't realize sometimes the mass amount of unseen energy coming from our cell phones and devices, wifi, and electricity. Dr. Debra is an expert in this field and she talks with us about energy hygiene and how you can tell what shape yours might be in.