Gratitude and Self-Control & Is Therapy Helping or Hurting You? #1120

GratitudeToday we talk with Dr. Art Markman about how gratitude can increase self-control. Kip Watson talks about how modern therapy could actually be hurting you rather than helping you.

Gratitude May Increase Self-Control

Dr. Art Markman is a cognitive scientist at the University of Texas whose research spans a range of topics in the way people think. He is that author of the book, "Brain Briefs: Answers to the Most (and Least) Pressing Questions about Your Mind." Today we talk with him about how gratitude may increase self control. Things like cheating seem to be less tempting when we practice gratitude more often."Gratitude has many benefits. When youโ€™re feeling down, it can help you to feel connected to others who have helped you, and that can make you more resilient. That is a big reason why so many people keep a gratitude journal and why self-help programs like the 12-step programs encourage people to be grateful for the positive things other people have done for them.Gratitude may also give a boost to peopleโ€™s self-control and make them less likely to give in to the temptation to cheat." You can read more of Dr. Markman's article here.

Is Modern Therapy Really Helping You?

Kip Watson is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor. She is a certified trainer for the Positive Coaching Alliance, a certified life coach, and one of the few Certified High Performance Coaches (CHPC) in the world. Today we talk with Kip about how modern therapy might not be doing what it should be for you. In fact, it could be hurting you. How is this possible?Therapy is something that every person can benefit from. But there are different types of therapy, and sometimes you may not be ready for some of the emotions that therapy can bring out. As far as moving forward from past hurts, therapy can sometimes re-manifest those emotions in an unhealthy way. Listen in to hear what Kip has to say about modern therapy.


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