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Gut/Brain Connection, Substance Abuse & Quarantine

Jonathan Avery on One Life RadioWe have another great show today with Tina Bernet Allen in the intro. Jared Ramirez discusses the gut-brain connection and Dr. Jonathan Avery talks about substance use during the quarantine.Tina Bernet-Allen continues the conversation from Wednesday regarding quarantine weight gain. Gyms are opening, finally. You may want to hit it hard right out of the gate, but go slow. Bernet-Allen says if you didn’t keep up your workout while under quarantine, go easy when you’re back at the gym. And, remember to bring gloves!

The Gut-Brain Connection

Jared Ramirez is the CEO of Enviromedica, makers of Terraflora and a sponsor of One Life Radio, explains the gut/brain connection as it pertains to anxiety and depression.  Research has shown that a healthy gut has an impact on our stress levels and overall mental health. Ramirez says that anxiety and stress are not just born in the brain, but are shared between the gut and brain.Do we start life with a healthy microbiome? We ask how we can raise children to have a healthy microbiome starting early in life. A vaginal birth and breast-feeding are two important ways a mother can pass along good bacteria to her child. Ramirez says another way that parents can help their children is to be diligent about giving them antibiotics.  Find out if any other treatment options are available. Diet is a huge factor as well. When the infant transitions to hard food, it should be un-processed and nutrient-dense.Ramirez says that 95% of our serotonin is made in the gut, another indication of the gut-brain connection. To manage stress levels, you can support a healthy gut with quality sleep, nutrient-dense foods, all-over sunlight and probiotics. And, again, stay away from antibiotics whenever possible.Ramirez is CEO of Enviromedica, a natural health and wellness company, founded in 2007. Inspired by nature and ancestral health, they make premium foundational products like Terra Flora symbiotic to support whole body nutrition and help people achieve optimal health. You can read more about the gut-brain connection on Enviromedica's website.

Substance Use & COVID-19

Dr. Jonathan Avery of Weill-Cornell discusses substance use during COVID. He says the epidemic has been both positive and negative for substance abusers. Some have been forced to communicate with family and friends while in quarantine, which is a good thing. He says “connection is the opposite of addiction”Avery says that the epidemic has almost made help more available to users. Ways for addicts to get support include online self-help groups and online therapy. He also recommends practicing mindfulness and exercise.His advice for someone who thinks they may have an issue? Dr. Avery says if you think you have a problem, own it. Don’t hide, but reach out to family members or online to get help. Try a zoom AA meeting or a therapy website. In some ways, it’s easier to access care under quarantine.Jonathan Avery, MD is the Director of Addiction Psychiatry and an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College and New York-Presbyterian Hospital.