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HIIT Workouts, What Does Your Corporate Brand Stand For? #954

HIIT Workout

An article in Men's Health states that 2-minute workouts are the new 30-minute workout...can you believe that? Neither can we. How can 2-minute workouts be long enough to even get anything out of them? Thats because they aren't! Daniel Tague is a professional ortho-kinetic trainer, and he explains how you definitely need a little bit longer than two minutes to get any benefit from a workout. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a way to get in a shorter workout and still get your heart rate going and boost growth hormone or HGH.

Rosalie Robinson is a Human Resources expert and has 30 years experience working with Fortune 500 companies. Today we talk about an article from the Harvard Business Review about corporate branding and corporate culture. Defining this can be difficult for companies, as well it can be difficult to include your employees in this vision. Rosalie talks about why some companies struggle and questions to ask to work on your brand culture and mission.