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In The Shape Of A Heart

I think everyone would agree that the best feeling in the world is being in love. It’s like the whole world is pink when you’re in love.I can’t help thinking about love right now when we are so close to Valentine’s Day. Or it could have something to do with the copious ads on all media. In spite of it seemingly being such an important day to say “I love you” I have never taken any of it very seriously.How can you possibly measure love by money?  Or can you?A lot of people do you know. I mean they wait for it.  For some it is the absolute measuring stick of the greatness of their love relationship, especially for women.  We as women need to turn this around and stop using money as a indication of great love.  Great love has zero to do with money.So, I find myself asking myself what is real love? We are led to believe things like “true love’s kiss” from the Disney movie “Enchanted” with Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey. So if your foot goes up it’s real? Really?  Don’t they call that chemistry explainable by science?Speaking of science, can you imagine if there was a drug that would replicate the feeling of love! Woah…talk about the #1 selling prescription drug!I was driving in my car this morning and heard the song by Jackson Browne, In the Shape of A Heart… It was a ruby that she woreOn a chain around her neckIn the shape of a heartIn the shape of a heartIt was a time I won't forgetFor the sorrow and regretAnd the shape of a heartAnd the shape of a heartI guess I never knewWhat she was talking aboutI guess I never knewWhat she was living withoutPeople speak of love don't know what they're thinking ofWait around for the one who fits just like a gloveSpeak in terms of belief and belongingTry to fit some name to their longing…. So, I ask again, what is true love? And, when people speak of love do they really not know what they are thinking of?  I don’t think they do. Love does not have to be about one or both people sacrificing their dreams to make the other person secure. It should not be a state of lost freedom. True love should represent true trust as well, each being equal.I can’t help but wonder if the fact that we are animals means that it's all just science anyway, perhaps combined with instinct and attraction. A guy friend said to me a few weeks ago, “Isn’t money all women want?”I said, “It depends on the woman.”I was so frustrated trying to defend women and their honor.I remember someone saying to me years ago, “I love how the women in Dallas work it a little harder.”What a sad commentary about Dallas women and their “it” being what they’re famous for.Is love really about working “it” a little harder to keep him loving you?I do know this to be a fact…love and respect go hand in hand, you can not have one without the other.  And that respect is earned. Happy Valentine’s Day to all!