One Life Radio

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James West: Sexual Assault Accusations|Robin Perry Braun: Wicked Thoughts #941

no means no

This was the movement of 2018, and the start of a lot of accusations against men for sexual assault. How do you define sexual assault? Can it be subjective? James West is a licensed chemical dependency counselor, has a Master's of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and practices sex therapy at Vantage Point Counseling in Dallas. James gives us the definition of sexual assault and sexual trauma. We also talk about consent, which can be a very misconstrued word from person to person but it shouldn't be. Men are very targeted right now, and James gives us some great information on why.

Do you ever beat yourself up about some of your thoughts or "bad" impulses? We all do this. Don't feel alone! Robin Perry Braun is an emotion code energy practitioner and a holistic counselor who has worked with sex and sexual addictions for 18 years. She talks to us about what causes some of the thoughts and why we feel guilty for having them or even acting upon them.