One Life Radio

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Jan 23rd 2018 - Using Sex as a Weapon!

Using Sex as a Weapon!

sex as a weaponDavid Essel, author and life coach discusses using sex as a weapon! Here are some questions we ask him.

  1. 99% of the couples you've worked with that have had an affair, it's due to resentments. Why?
  2. So, this comes to the next question on How Can Sex Be Used as aWeapon… Can you talk about ex partners and setting boundaries especially when kids are involved?
  3. Do you believe a couple should stay married in a loveless marriage just for the kids? Why?
  4. The subconscious mind vs. the conscious mind… When it comes to relationships, are they to blame for our environment that we live in?
  5. Your new book FOCUS! comes out next month - and it has a chapter on Profound love and the love scale. Can you talk about that?