One Life Radio

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Jan 29th 2018 - "Skinny Fat" - Top 3 Kitchen Food Swaps - Sleep & Your Emotional Health


Dr. Joey Antonio, CEO and co-founder of the ISSN talks about the notion of the skinny fat phenotype... Is it real or not?! Here are a few questions we ask Dr. Joey:

  1. What is skinny-fat?
  2. How do you know if you are skinny-fat?
  3. Are there dangers behind this phenotype?

The Top 3 Food Swaps to Make in Your Kitchen to Improve the Health of Your Family

Jill Lane gives us the top 3 foods to take out of the kitchen to improve the health of our family!

  1. Jill, you are a firm believer that we really are what we eat - we’ve talked about reading the fine print on labels instead of being persuaded by pretty food packaging....what do we do next to improve our health?
  2. You say there are 3 main food swaps to focus on to improve our families health… What are they?- Swap out the enemies (stop buying foods that contain trans fats, artificial sweeteners, artificial food dyes, monosodium glutamate and high fructose corn syrup)- Swap frequently eaten pre-sweetened foods and beverages for unsweetened, unflavored options (oatmeal, cereal plus swap sports drinks, soda, juice for sparkling water, spa water…juice should be considered a treat or desert, even for our kids)- Swap conventional for organic in order of frequently eaten foods
  3. Those three are pretty comprehensive… What else can people do?
  4. In today’s society, we all live busy lives and burn the candles at both ends, and our sleep usually suffers. So what are the consequences to our mental health of not getting enough sleep?
  5. What are some of the causes of insomnia?
  6. What can we do to sleep better?

Sleep & Emotional Health

sleepIn today’s society, we all live busy lives and burn the candles at both ends, and our sleep usually suffers. So what are the consequences to our mental health of not getting enough sleep? Dr. Mike McFarland talks about the importance of sleep.

  1. What are some of the causes of insomnia?
  2. What can we do to sleep better?