One Life Radio

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Jill Lane and Food Myths, cont., Primal Mom Amber Butcher talks Balance #929

We continue our conversation with Jill Lane on food myths. For example, does Vitamin C really keep colds away? And, what vitamins do we REALLY need every day? Lane tells us what we're really missing in our diets and how to supplement properly.

We are excited to have the online sensation "Primal Mom" Amber Butcher on the show. About five years ago, Butcher suffered from post partum depression but rather than go with medication, she decided to go Paleo. Not only did her depression go away, but she and her husband lost over 70lbs collectively, and she's been going strong ever since! What she learned by going Paleo became her lifestyle and the inspiration behind her blog,

Primal Mom Amber Butcher on One  Life Radio