BEST OF SHOW - Jonathan Haidt - Coddling of the American Mind, Daniel Tague - Car Safety #922

We have Jonathan Haidt, co-author of Coddling of the American Mind, on the show. We talk about the rising number of cases of anxiety and depression in children born after 1996. His theory is based on the way these children have been raised, or "coddled". Has over-protecting our children set up a generation for failure? Extremely interesting and important information for parents.

Daniel Tague continues his discussion on car safety. This segment we talk about how to handle certain weather conditions like snow and rain. With the winter storms in full swing, Tague offers great tips to stay safe on the road.


BEST OF SHOW - Gabrielle Reyes - One Great Vegan, Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA - AnimalKind #1157


ONE LIFE RADIO BEST OF SHOW - Jake Steinfeld - Body by Jake, Tina Bernet-Allen #1342