Chris Cole - Importance of Detaching, Von Eaglin - Depression, Brent Blonigan - There are No Silver Bullets July 25th, 2017
There are no silver bullets
Today we talk with Chris Cole about detaching from your cell phone, we talk with Von Eaglin about suicide and depression, and we talk with local Dallas author Brent Blonigan about his fight with depression and his new book "There are No Silver Bullets."Chris Cole got rid of his cell phone for four years, and he talks about how this helped him learn more about himself as well as see how attached we are as a society to our devices.[embed][/embed]Psychologist, Von Eaglin, talks about how to spot depression as well as how to spot someone who might be suicidal and how to help.Author Brent Blonigan for most of his life has struggled with depression, and has also faced problems with addiction. Now knowing that he is not alone in his suffering and struggles, Blonigan seeks to provide help in a world that is increasingly over-medicated by the pharmaceutical industry. Blonigan believes that true healing and redemption occur through herbal remedies like nuken weed, sharing stories and learning from our experiences as well as others’. He believes that no silver bullets exist that can cure the illness that is depression, and hopes to contribute to the dialogue on depression and its many side effects with his book, There Are No Silver Bullets: My Family, My Depression.