Kenz Henz, Fermented Foods/Probiotics, Gardening with your Kids #982

Fermented Foods

If you don't know the difference between cage-free, free-range, and're not alone!! These are extremely deceiving marketing ploys that get everyone confused. When it comes to buying eggs that are quality, it may seem like you have to do your research first. Ken Adams is the owner of Kenz Henz in the Houston area where he has 16,000 pastured hens providing him with quality eggs. He talks with us about the importance of buying local and pasture-raised eggs. The benefits are animal welfare and the nutritional benefits of the eggs themselves. Most people just think, an eggs an egg, right? Well, wrong!

Cassie Bjork joins us to talk about the benefits of adding fermented foods to your diet. Fermented foods go back hundreds of years. They have been used for a variety of health benefits and are natural probiotics on their own. Fermented foods are starting to show up more and more on the shelves because people are starting to realize just how important they are. She breaks down what the scientific process of fermentation is and how beneficial these foods can be for our gut health.

Stephanie Toups, our earth mama, talks to us about why you should start gardening with your kids. It can affect their brain, body, and even their soul. This may seem a little out there, but it can be a very healing process as well as a bonding and learning experience for both you and your child.


Tea For Tumors, Reasons to Delay Your Wedding, Texans for Vaccine Choice #983


Von Eaglin - What is Mental Illness and Dating Someone Who Might Be Mentally Ill #981