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Ketones and Migraines, Water Contamination Crisis #1039

Ketones and MigrainesToday's show is one you won't want to miss. Dr. Dominic D'Agostino is an absolute powerhouse who we have spoken to many time the past few years. He is a scientist, researcher and all around smart guy. Nutrition is something he has a huge focus on as he studies the potential healing properties of a ketogenic diet. Ketogenic Diets have been used for years to help people who suffer from epilepsy and seizures. Now there is so much coming out about how this diet, and ketones specifically, can help relieve migraines. Migraines are extremely painful, can be debilitating, and most don't know why they get them. Using Ketones and going into Ketosis could be the answer to rid yourself of migraines, or at least lessen them. Listen in on this one and read his blog post here.If you are a regular listener, then you know our girl Stephanie Toups. Today we are talking about the water contamination crisis. Most people think that their tap water is safe to drink...that could very possibly be wrong. This map shows where there are PFA's in the drinking water. This is a scary thing because there are serious health concerns with this type of contamination. Stephanie talks about why these chemicals and pollutants are in our water and what you can do to best protect yourself.