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Kip Watson - Eating Disorder Awareness #1188

Eating DisorderIn today's episode we talk with Kip Watson about Eating Disorder Awareness in honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

Eating Disorder Awareness with Kip Watson

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is February 24th through March 1st this year. This is a week for reflecting on the positive steps you've taken — including those stemming from setbacks or challenges — toward accepting yourself and others. Kip Watson is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and a certified trainer for the Positive Coaching Alliance. She joins us today to talk about the psychology of an eating disorder. There are more people suffering with an eating disorder than you probably think. So many things contribute to the first thoughts and actions that lead to an eating disorder.Kip talks with us today about her own struggle with an eating disorder as well. We live in a world where our outer beauty and what others think about the way we look is compromising the quality of our health. This is mainly due to the extremely high standards set by celebrities and by social media. This, on top of our poor food quality, our mental health and our physical health are severely at risk. We talk openly today about how to heal your body and mind, fall back in love with your body, and be OK with being 100% you!