One Life Radio

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Failure with Dr. Art Markman, Holistic addiction treatment with Robin Perry Braun

Failure is never fun, but how can we grow and learn from it? Dr. Art Markman talks with us about how failure in life is essential for growth. For example, how can we learn what we're good at or what we truly want to do without some trial and error? Climb a mountain, start a rock band, go for that management position for instance, but be prepared to possibly fail. The most successful people have dismal failures in life, but it's how they learn from them that eventually leads to success. Forget what you were taught in school - failing can be the best teacher in the school of life! Check out Dr. Markman's books to help in work, life and home here.

Failure with Dr. Art Markman on One Life Radio

Robin Perry Braun talks about the flawed addiction treatment system and what changes need to be made to have a higher success rate for addiction recovery. Our discussion leads into the underlying causes of addiction. Braun believes that the majority of us were not allowed to express emotion as children. As a result, we turn to outside influences to make us feel good. For instance, we become addicted to alcohol, shopping, food or sex, just to name a few. We can learn to express our feelings and emotions at an early age and stop the cycle. This is an important subject that we'll expand upon in the coming months.

Original show air date: Thursday, January 3rd, 2019