Learn to Plank, Dangers of 5G

Zen Honeycutt on One Life RadioHello everyone! It's National Bee Day, so Bernadette says to take care of the bees. We need them! Today Tina Bernet Allen discusses the joys of planking, and Zen Honeycutt from Moms Across America tells us how to fight back against 5G.

Learn the Proper Plank

Tina Bernet-Allen is teaching us to plank today! Planking is a key core-strengthening exercise. We all remember the “plank” challenges a few years ago, but that’s not what we’re talking about today.The general definition of a plank is lying face-down on the floor then lifting yourself up with your elbows and toes, using your core to keep straight. Bernet-Allen says planking works much better to build your core and tone your abs than sit-ups.There is a right way and a wrong way to do a plank. Your hips, shoulders and feet should be lined up. Avoid rounding your upper back or lifting your butt. Pull your shoulder blades together toward your spine. Also, keep your weight evenly distributed. Also, hold your plank for a minute or two only. If you can do a plank for more than a minute, you can progress the exercise by lifting a leg one at a time. You can also alternate arms holding them out to your side.

Fighting Back Against 5G

Next we have Zen Honeycutt, the Director of Moms Across America, talking about 5G. Zen says these networks can be extremely dangerous, causing diseases in children, reproductive issues, cancer and even fires in some communities. Another concern with 5G is that it’s being used to download all of our personal information. Listen to the full interview to hear her example. It will scare you into action.Honeycutt says the FCC isn't fully testing the 5G networks, but rather fast-tracking the process. But, Honeycutt says the advertising we’re seeing for 5G is misleading, and there’s still time to stop 5G. Email your city commissioner or city hall and ask for the applications for "small cell wireless telecommunication facilities" going up in your community. If  there are applications in your area, you can go to Moms Across America's website for flyer templates to pass out to your neighbors. The applications will have to go through an approval process with city commissioners and the public can attend. It's up to us to stop 5G, because the government wants it to happen now.Listen and subscribe to the One Life Radio podcast to learn what Honeycutt uses to stop RMF exposure in her household.To learn more about 5G, visit Mom Across America or  Ehtrust.org


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