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#729 Mar 20th 2018 - Divorce Prevention - Understanding the Connection Between Chemicals & Depression

Divorce Prevention

DivorceThe statistics haven’t change for years. 50% of the couples in United States, if not more, will divorce during their marriage. But does it have to be that way? David Essel, author of Focus! Slay Your Goals talks about divorce prevention. Unfortunately it's not easy to reconcile once things have turned the point of no return and the only thing to do is cut your losses and say good bye to each other in the most humane way while still showing civility, if you're looking into getting a divorce you'll be wanting to hire a family law attorney.It’s not easy, but David talks about the 2 key steps to follow that will give you the best chance at saving your marriage.Are you and your significant other losing touch of your relationship? Are you single and looking to marry? Engaged? Headed towards divorce? Exclusive offer ONLY for One Life Radio listeners, David Essel is offering a free 15 minute counseling session! Email for more details!

Understanding the Connection Between Chemicals & Depression

Robin Perry Braun continues her segment on the connection between chemicals and depression.How can we connect vaccines and diet to depression, anxiety or brain chemistry issues? In general, all of the conditions we medicate are a result of the functioning of our neurotransmitters balancing.Any chemical that is put in our body can affect the endocrine system and the balance of hormones and neurotransmitters. So, how does that apply to vaccines? What about chemicals in food?Pesticides and glyphosate poison the body and affect gut health. 10% of our serotonin production comes from our gut. Recent studies show that even small amounts of pesticide can disrupt the endocrine system. Meats or milk injected with hormones can affect the production and uptake of hormones in our body.Eating foods full of chemicals also lends itself to malnutrition and our brain is not gettingadequate nutrition. Sugar and white flour cause inflammation which coats cells and keeps them fromeliminating toxins, releaseing adp energy and absorbing nutrition. Like the coating thatgets on your tongue after eating a donut, your cells are coated and can’t functionproperly.The epidemic of brain chemistry issues in the US is greatly a result of the chemicals we arepumping into our bodies and once saturated, our detoxing organs cannot keep up.