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#718 Mar 6th 2018 - The Skinny on Fat in Your Diet - What is 'Joy Strength'? - Should You Workout Alone or in a Group?

The Skinny on Fat in Your Diet

fatDr. Jim Dowd talks about fat and why it is so necessary for your diet.

  1. Why do we need fat?
  2. What is the ideal fat composition?
  3. What percent of your daily calories should come from fat?
  4. What makes fat good for you?

What is 'Joy Strength'?

  1. What is “Joy Strength”?
  2. What are some examples of how parents do this with children?


Should You Workout Alone or in a Group?

Have you just joined a gym? Are you joining the latest spin classes or pilates group?Ron Incerta of Oakfit Dallas, discusses the benefits of working out alone vs. in a group.