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#720 Mar 8th 2018 - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Myalgic Encephalitis - Mitochondria & the Future of Medicine - Improving Your Mental Strength Part 4

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Myalgic Encephalitis

chronic fatigue syndromeMitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, essential for the production and management of energy at the cell level. Dr. Sarah Myhill has spent years studying the relationship between mitochondrial malfunction and one of the most common problems that leads people to the doctor’s office: fatigue. Tune in to hear Dr. Myhill discuss her book Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis: It's Mitochondria, Not Hypochondria.

Mitochondria & the Future of Medicine

Why do we age? Why does cancer develop? What's the connection between heart failure and Alzheimer's disease, or infertility and hearing loss? Why do antioxidant supplements sometimes do more harm than good? Many will be amazed to learn that all these questions, and many more, can be answered by a single point of discussion: mitochondria and bioenergetics. In Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor Lee Know tells the epic story of mitochondria, the widely misunderstood and often-overlooked powerhouses of our cells.

Improving Your Mental Strength Part 4.

Kip Watson concludes her segment on "How to Improve Your Mental Strength"

  1. There is one sure sign of a lack of mental strength… What is that?
  2. Nelson Mandela says ‘Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies’---This resentment or envy, I would say hurts mental strength. What can we do to deal with this common human experience?
  3. Failure and mistakes are also common human experiences, how can we see that has helping with our mental strength?
  4. We throw the term ‘entitlement’ around and ‘get it now’ society---what do mentally strong people do in this type of environment?