FURRY FRIDAY Marc Peralta - Best Friends Animal Society Call for Adoptions, Dr. Allison Hull - Food and Mood #1669

It’s FURRY FRIDAY brought to you by Castor & Pollux organic and sustainably-sourced pet food. Marc Peralta is back to urgently ask listeners to consider adopting or fostering a pet. The shelters are crowded, and need your help. If you’ve been thinking about adding a furry friend to your family, now is the time! Visit Best Friends Animal Society to find shelter locations and resources in your area.

Dr. Allison Hull joins us to breakdown recent research regarding how the foods we eat affect our mood. It comes down to monitoring our blood sugar, and the best way to do that is a Low carb/Ketogenic diet. On this type of meal plan, you can level out your moods and even sleep better. Visit Allison at yourwellbeingtribe.com and learn more about the benefits of a low carb/Keto diet.

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Mo Brossette - Gender Roles, Jai Dev Singh - Kundalini Yoga and Ayurveda #1671


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