Marta Zaraska - Growing Young, Flicka Rahn - Sound Healing #1679

Marta Zaraska joins us to discuss her book, “Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100”. Marta has traveled the world to study longevity, and she says that genetics, diet and mindset all go hand-in-hand in determining longevity. In a nutshell, if you want to live a long life, you need to do your part. Be kind, have friends and stay active because quality is just as important as quantity when it comes to longevity. Learn more about Marta at

Flicka Rahn says we should listen to beautiful music at least 30 minutes a day to help with stress and even depression. Rhan is the author of The Transformational Power of Sound and Music: A Handbook for Sound Healers and Musicians, a guide and resource for those desiring to understand and experience sound and music as a source of healing and transformation. She and Bernadette discuss the ways music heals, and it’s readily available any time of day! Learn about Flicka and sound healing on her website,

Marta Zaraska and Flicka Rhan on One Life Radio

WORKOUT WEDNESDAY Chris Gronkowski - Losing 5 lbs Fast, Dr. David Perlmutter - “Drop Acid” Book Release #1680


Mary Holland - The Most Read News of the Week from Children’s Health Defense “Defender” Newsletter, Dr. Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH - Why We Like the Bad Boys/Girls #1678