Mary Holland - The Most Read News of the Week from Children’s Health Defense “Defender” Newsletter, Paola Brown - Homeopathy #1647

It’s Health Freedom News & Views Monday with Mary Holland, President of Children’s Health Defense reviewing the top stories of the week from the Defender newsletter for the last week of 2021. Listen to Bernadette and Mary discuss this and all the news of the week, and get all the top stories on the Children’s Health Defense website or directly to your email when you sign up for the Defender newsletter. And, be sure to get your copy of Robert F. Kennedy’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” on bookshelves now.

Paola Brown joins Bernadette to discuss Homeopathy; what it is, and how to teach it to our children. Paola is the president and founder of Americans for Homeopathy Choice. She’s led congressional briefings and advocates for the growing number of mothers and other homeopathy users who want to protect their right to choose homeopathy. Learn more about Paola at and

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