Dr. Dan Engle / Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy - Kip Watson /13 Reasons Why: How to Ask the Tough Questions #776, 5/24/18


Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy

Dr. Dan Engle talks about psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and the future of this medicine. We asked Dr. Engle these questions:

  1. For our listeners… What are psychedelics and how are they being used for psychotherapy?

  2. What are the benefits of these medicines?

  3. What is the latest science and hype on psychedelics?

  4. Who might this therapy be good for? Who might it not be good for?

  5. What is predicted for this field of medicine?

13 Reasons Why: How to Ask the Tough Questions

  1. Season 1 was controversial…the storyline of a teenage girl who commits suicide and she leaves behind distraught family and friends and a series of tapes explaining her pain & decisionn…the new Season picks up with the parents taking the school district to court—this is a difficult show to watch…what are your initial thoughts, Kip?

  2. So, what do you think, does this show do more damage or good in watching it…should we watch it or allow our kids to watch it?

  3. You have one huge problem with the series, what is it?

  4. This is not ‘normal’…these themes are spreading what you believe to be lies…tell us more about that

  5. When we do have these conversations with our kids, how do we take the discomfort away?

  6. What should we be talking about with our kids? How do we do more inspiring that correcting? How do we create safe places for them to come to us?

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at one’s own discretion, and is not an endorsement of use given the complexity inherent in these medicines, and the current variable widespread illegality of their usage


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Well Being Journal