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Mo Brossette - Patience and Perseverance - Part 2 #1816

Mo Brossette is back on for the full hour to continue our conversation on the importance of patience and perseverance. Mo believes we’ve lost the ability to be patient, and we need to understand the importance of patience and perseverance for true success. Mo Brossette is a 4x Ironman triathlete, Ulta-marathon runner, tactical athlete and creator of the Mindset program at the Adaptive Training Foundation, a Dallas based non-profit serving critically injured veterans and civilians. In addition, Mo is a certified holistic health counselor,  a breath & meditation teacher, and Director of Fitness Operations at Brute Force Training. With over 26 years in the health and fitness industry and 22 years as a endurance athlete, Mo uses his experience to help teams and individuals use the four elements of breath, mind, nutrition and body to overcome any challenge or obstacle that stands in front of them. Follow Mo on IG @hunt-prosper.

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