Monica Berg - “The Gift of Being Different” Book Release #1870

Monica Berg joins us for the hour to talk about the release of her first children’s book, “The Gift of Being Different.” The book is co-written by Monica and her 9 year old daughter Abigail. Inspired by Abigail's dyslexia diagnosis, this book explores the feelings that arise for children who do not learn in a typical manner and celebrates how those differences make them strong. Monica is the Chief Communications Officer of The Kabbalah Centre International, a non-profit organization located in Los Angeles, California that provides courses on the Zohar and Kabbalistic teachings online as well as through regional and city-based centers and study groups worldwide. Monica is a self-professed “Change Junkie,” sharing wisdom and real-life awareness to help others adjust to their own lifestyle changes and to even get excited about them. Check out Monica’s podcast series, “Spiritually Hungry”, with her husband, Michael, or her website,

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WELLNESS WEDNESDAY Chris Gronkowski - Shark Tank Anniversary, Dustin Strong - The Crazy Wellness Retreat #1872


Mary Holland - CHD Most Read News of the Week, Dr. Mike McFarland - Toxic or Intolerant? #1870