Nov 28th 2017 – Shopping Addictions – Psychology of Exercise


What is a shopping addiction?

shoppingSeveral different manifestations but at the root, some form of shopping satisfies some emotional need for the short term, like any other medication or behavior. The brain wires to shopping to create these endorphin releases and becomes addictive.Robin Perry Braun takes us through the shopping addiction self-assessment, and you can take it too!Self assessment for shopping addiction:

  • Do you shop when you feel angry or disappointed?
  • Has overspending created problems in your life?
  • Do you have conflicts with loved ones about your need to shop?
  • While shopping, do you feel euphoric rushes or anxiety?
  • After shopping, do you feel like you have just finished doing something wild or dangerous?
  • After shopping, do you ever feel guilty or embarrassed about what you have done?
  • Do you frequently buy things that you never end up using or wearing?
  • Do you think about money almost all the time?

Why do we exercise?

Daniel Tague talks about the psychology of exercise and why it is so important.

  1. What do you find is the major motivator for people wanting to exercise?
    • Changing their body composition
    • Feeling better
    • Health
    • Stress reliever
    • Quality of life
  1. What keeps them coming back even if they don’t like to exercise?
    • Feeling better- Quality of life improving
    • Seeing changes
  1. What makes them work hard in the session?
    • External force like a trainer
    • Seeing the benefit of working hard help them get to their goals
    • Some people just love the burn!

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