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Nov 9th 2017 - Mastin Kipp "Claim Your Power" - Astonishment

Mastin Kipp, author of The Daily Love: Growing Into Grace, joins us to talk about his book Claim Your Power: A 40 Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Blocks That Keep You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life's Unique PurposeMastin KippMastin is a #1 best-selling author, speaker and life interventionist for people who are seeking rapid transformation in their lives. Mastin has built a highly successful international personal development company that helps people create rapid change, connect to who they really are and how to live their lives with passion and purpose."The people who live the life of their dreams know that it's not about how much money they have, but how much passion, willingness and dedication they have to make their dreams come true. And on top of that they know that no one defines what's true for them except them. And on top of that they know that Plan B is not an option, because it's a distraction from Plan A. And on top of that they just don't give up because that is who the hell they are!"When was the last time you were astonished? Todd Sinelli brings the wonder of astonishment and gives us his best tips for Awakening Astonishment.“Mediocrity is in the past, astonishment is an invitation to the future”

  1. When is the last time you were truly astonished?
  2. Who do you find truly astonishing?
  3. How do you enter astonishment?

3 Principles of Awakening Astonishment

  • Appear – need to show up to experience, when you engage all 5 senses you are present and begin to awaken astonishment
  • Appreciate/appreciation – most attractive magnetic attribute, appreciate who you are with, what you see, and who you are with, you awaken astonishment within yourself. “Silent gratitude is no gratitude”
  • Anticipate – expect great things, expect to be astonished.