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<a href="">Dr Mike Fenster</a>, Stephanie Toupes, and <a href="">Shawn Wells</a>

Chocolate bar

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Dr. Mike Fenster, Stephanie Toupes, and Shawn Wells

New research reveals the healing power of chocolate in...diabetes?! Dr. Mike Fenster talks about the benefits of chocolate and its link to diabetes.Maura Davies of the North Texas SPCA gives us some tips on protecting our pets this Halloween season!Stephanie Toupes gives us great tips for organizing home survival kits and making sure we are prepared for any natural disaster.

  1. Why do you think we should think about organizing a storage food/water supply?- Power Outages- Flooding- Disruption of supply routes

  2. What are some things to think about when putting together your supply?- Needs for Elderly and babies (include things like formula, diapers, medicines)- Store quality high calorie/energy goods.  Trail mix, protein bars.- Water, Water, Water.  Water is the very most important thing.  Store in jugs, fill bathtubs, etc.

  3. What are some basic tips to get started:- Label everything not only with dates but with cooking instructions- Choose a dark-ish cool area to store- Rotate and resupply--choose foods that you actually use regularly, so that you can rotate them   through and replace as part of your regular shopping

As things start to cool down, Shawn Wells gives us all of the benefits of those cold plunges and hypothermic conditioning."Tim Ferriss and the “Iceman” Wim Hof, have been popularizing this concept of hypothermic conditioning. Hypo means “low”, thermic means “temperature”...,so improving performance and health through high heat exposure! Last week we discussed “hyperthermic conditioning” with hot saunas (including infrared).  Now we can even cover something called “contrasting” where you go back and forth between the two, of high heat and low temps!"

  1. I know cold stuff is good to “chill out” literally, but is there really science and more to it than that?

  2. What is brown adipose tissue and how is it different from “normal” fat/adipose?

  3. So, what is the metabolic advantage with BAT?

  4. What other benefits are there?

  5. What about “Contrasting”?