Oct 30th 2017 - DNA Testing - Sugar - Probiotics
Does exercise and nutrition trump DNA? Join us as we talk with Dr. Brad Dieter about "Nutrigenomics: What Can Your DNA Really Tell You About Your Nutrition And Training Needs?"What exactly is nutrigenomics? Dr. Dieter simplifies it as a branch of nutrition genomics that takes your DNA and then doctors will then tell you what you can and cannot eat.Here's what Dr. Dieter wants us to know...
It Isn’t All About the Genome
To fully understand how one’s genome can impact things like nutrition, performance, and recovery, one needs to be aware of the fact that the genome does not operate in isolation. For decades we have be given a crude analogy that the genome is a blueprint and conveys all the information needed and that one gene equals one protein.We are just beginning to scratch the surface of the regulatory mechanisms and we are finding that the genome is one piece, albeit an important piece, in a multilayer system that turns underlying digital information (i.e. the genome) into the complex organism that is a human.Jill Lane discusses if we should really be blaming sugar intake for all of our chronic health problems.Here are a few questions we ask:
- We've had many guests on One Life over the years that talk about he negative effects of sugar on our health...are you saying they are wrong?
- If we aren't obsessing about sugar as you mentioned, what should we do instead to get and stay well?
- Why is this approach better then tackling sugar intake head-on right out of the gate?
- (If it doesn't come up during the questions above) What about our kids and sugar?
Ever try to sprout your own grains? Autumn Warren, creator of Ether Elixir gives us the ingredients to sprouting grains, beans, and nuts.