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Oct 4th 2017 - Waking Up Early Self Defense - Women in Technology

Today we talk with Ryan Lowery about Waking Up Early, we talk with Daniel Tague about the Self Defense Mindset, and we talk with Rosalie Robinson about Women in Technology.Ryan Lowery talks about the "6 Healthy Reasons to Wake Up Earlier".Here are the 6 reasons:

  1. Practice yoga and meditation
  2. Get your daily workout done
  3. Take your dog for a walk
  4. Eat a nutritious breakfast
  5. Consume inspiring media
  6. Revel in the peace and quiet

Read more about the 6 reasons to wake up earlier, here.Daniel Tague talks about the self defense mindset. Here are a few questions he answers:1. What does in mean to have a self-defense mind set?

  • Being aware of your surroundings. Not afraid aware. (The Gift of Fear book)
  • Avoiding certain places
  • Being ready to defend yourself

2. How do you use some of the weapons we talked about last week?

  • Soft targets
  • Eyes, neck, groin

3. What is the most important thing to know about self-defense?Rosalie Robinson talks about women in technology and how to break the stereotypes in Silicon Valley.