Overcoming an Eating Disorder & Stretching #962

Tim McComsey

This subject is a heavy one but it is a topic that touches so many. Tim McComsey is a fitness model, business owner, and ambassador for Sunwarrior plant-based protein. Tim tells us about his own struggle with bulimia and how he overcame it and came out better and stronger. Men and women alike can struggle with an eating disorder, it sees no discrimination. If you or someone you know struggles with an eating disorder, Tim and the team all talk about the best ways to get through it and come out with stride.

Daniel Tague is a personal trainer at Telos Fitness, he talks to us about stretching. When you think about stretching you probably have an image of someone pulling on their legs or arms to stretch them out. But in reality, stretching can be all sorts of movements, even as simple as bending over to tie your shoe. Daniel breaks down how to properly stretch, when you should stretch as well as the don't's when it comes to stretching.


Shawn Wells - Awareness and Authenticity


100 Day Food Challenge, Understanding Energy Medicine #961