One Life Radio

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Patricia Bragg

We are so happy to have Patricia Bragg on our show, co-founder of Bragg Health Products including Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. She's also a Life Extension Nutritionist, Author of 10 Self-Health Books, Dynamic Health Crusader, Lecturer, Health Educator and Fitness Advisor to World Leaders, Hollywood Stars, Singers, Dancers and Athletes.Patricia is a 100% dedicated health crusader with a passion like her father, Paul C. Bragg, world renowned health authority. Patricia has won international fame on her own in this field. She conducts Health and Fitness Seminars for Women’s, Men’s, Youth and Church Groups throughout the world . . . and promotes Bragg “How-To, Self-Health” Books on Radio and Television Talk Shows throughout the English-speaking world. Consultants to Presidents and Royalty, to Stars of Stage, Screen and TV and to Champion Athletes, Patricia and her father co-authored The Bragg Health Library of Instructive, Inspiring Books that promote a healthier lifestyle, for a long, vital, happy life.Patricia herself is the symbol of health, perpetual youth and radiant, feminine energy. She is a living and sparkling example of her, and her father’s healthy lifestyle precepts and this she loves sharing world-wide.